These kids! How is it that every twenty something these days has a tale of how their ex got them into trouble with the law? Ok, that’s an overstatement. But, lately the young and the restless can’t help but find each other in a crowd. The girls are out numbering the boys in crazy and illegal behavior. But the boys are paying the price.
The story goes like this. YM drives to meet YW at a concert. YW gets intoxicated. She loves her tequila. YM doesn’t drink. He drives her home in her car. His friend is going to pick him up in her parking lot.
YW starts beating up YM while he is driving. YM tries to defend himself and tries to keep the car on the road. He gets her home and to her apartment. He goes back to the car and waits for his friend. Whew! Done!
Not so fast! It is after midnight. Sirens are blaring. Blue and red lights are flashing everywhere. Four cops place YM in handcuffs. He is going to jail.
It may not be fair but it is the law. If there is a dispute between two intimate partners regardless of whether they are still together, someone is going to get arrested providing police have probable cause of course. It is not difficult to find probable cause when one party claims injury from the other even if it is self inflicted. Usually the person that calls is not the one arrested.
YM was charged with a number of different crimes including:
- 3rd Degree Assault: Third Degree Assault is a Class One (M1) Misdemeanor charge that requires only proof that pain was inflicted. An assault in the 3rd degree conviction could result in up to 2 years in jail.
YM was acquitted of all charges. His record has been sealed and no one will ever know he was arrested for a domestic violence disturbance. He is developing his interviewing skills and taking some time off from the dating scene.
If you find yourself in need of an assault defense attorney, Philip M. Smith offers a FREE consultation and review of any assault charge. 303-333-8900.