Denver Municipal Ordinance Violations Attorney
Traffic tickets, Solicitation, and Shoplifting are but a few of the many Municipal Ordinance Violations where, if charged, you may be required to appear in a City or Municipal Court.
City ordinance violations are handled very differently than misdemeanor or felony criminal charges in County/Districts courts. The Municipal Court will hear only cases within its jurisdiction and for violations with punishments no more severe than misdemeanor offenses. Because municipal ordinance violation cases are typically resolved within 90 days, it is important to consult a lawyer quickly to start preparing your case.
Municipal Ordinance Violation Representation
I have been a municipal judge and a prosecutor in municipal courts and I know the municipal court process. Your criminal history or lack of a criminal history is often the deciding factor for effective resolution of a municipal ordinance violation charge. As an experienced criminal defense attorney, I work to diminish prior offenses or call attention to a good record to ensure that my client receives the most favorable disposition possible. I will seek the most desirable disposition options such as a dismissal, obtaining a Deferred Judgment or possibly the Diversion program which are eligible for Sealing upon completion of the terms of probation.
Philip M. Smith • Denver Area Attorney
Municipal Ordinance Violations
Free Consultations • Call (303) 333-8900 • Email
Deferred Judgment and Diversion in Colorado
Deferred Judgment is accepting a guilty plea and successfully completing probation without violations within the specified time. Upon completion, the plea is withdrawn and the case is dismissed.
Diversion is a program that allows the defendant to avoid jail or pleading guilty. If the defendant meets the requirements of the program and successfully completes the requirements of Diversion, the case is dismissed.
Both Deferred Judgment and Diversion cases can be considered for Sealing immediately upon dismissal. The case will no longer be visible to the public An arrest and dismissal can also be sealed.
Colorado Municipal Ordinance Violations
Municipal Ordinances are city rules or regulations. These violations include: